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Happy 2024 from HOP Solutions

Happy new year 2024 from HOP Solutions
Happy new year 2024 from HOP Solutions

Happy new year to all of our customers and followers from HOP Solutions Limited.  May 2024 be a prosperous year for you all.

We do admit to having a quiet first year while we find our feet, but this year will be a completely different story.  To begin with, we will be adding to our range with more desks designed to suit a range of spaces and budgets.

We will also shortly be setting up out YouTube channel so we can demonstrate to you just how versatile our desks are and how they can help you achieve the ideal posture while working.

Watch this space and our social media channels for regular updates on our product lines and good advice for your home office setup.

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Standing Desks: From a Former Marathon Runner

Marathon running and health

Here is a very brief introduction of me: I am Deb Harrison and I have run a total of 3 marathons.

I have been a keen runner for most of my life. I embraced long distance running during 2012 just before the London Olympics. My first race was a 10k road run held at a local school. I think it was the combination of the buzzing atmosphere surrounding any race and the general sense of achievement of covering just over 6 miles on foot that got me hooked.

From there I started running 10 miles, half marathons and a very rare 15 mile race. It wasn’t until 2018 did I build up to an actual marathon. Running a marathon wasn’t just a physical challenge: Spending 5+ hours running 26(ish) miles was mentally and emotionally draining as well. it also takes a lot of training and time.

The day after my first marathon wasn’t too bad. I opted not to work the following day and instead went to a health spa (which I recommend!). For the second marathon I opted to work the following day. I also had a meeting which I a) couldn’t get out of and b) had to drive to. At the time I just thought, I would hole up in the office and take the weight off my feet. A sensible option, right?

No. No it wasn’t.

Getting up and sitting down for the first time that day wasn’t too bad. So I I needed to stand up. That in itself was a task and a half. My hips and legs felt like they were 10 tons apiece. A trolley jack might have made the job easier, but only until I started walking. Everything at both pelvis level and below was stiff as a board and it took a while to get moving.

My memory of driving is vague. I think I got through it ok, but the transition from sitting in a low level small car to standing took a few attempts. Even my customer made the comment that I was hobbling “Like an 80 year old”. In fact, that whole day of sitting and standing was an experience was very fatiguing and an experience I won’t forget for a very long time.

It’s only after this experience did I learn about the benefits of standing desks and how they can improve your working posture, reduce fatigue and even negate the effects of sitting too much. And yes, I wish I had known about that benefit way back then. But hindsight is a wonderful thing.

I have retired from marathon running now. But with my next half marathon in March, I will definitely be standing at my desk the day after and hopefully  reporting on the vast difference between sitting and standing after the behemoth experience of a long distance run.